суббота, 10 января 2015 г.

British National Cuisine

Британская национальная кухня... Что Вы представляете? Жаренные яйца с беконом? Рыбу в панировке?
На самом деле традиционная британская кухня не ограничивается этим. Трудно представить англичанина, который не пьет чай в пять часов и не лакомится йоркширским пудингом или мафинами, а в выходные не собирает свою семью за столом, чтобы отведать воскресное жаркое с картофелем и вареными овощами.

Для того, чтоб немного развеять стереотипы, сложившиеся у учащихся о традиционных блюдах Британии, рекомендую прочитать тему, приведенную ниже. В ней есть вся необходимая информация о ежедневном меню среднестатистического британца, а также о самых традиционных блюдах их национальной кухни. В конце темы можно найти рецепт настоящего йоркширского пуддинга с травами. И, кто знает, возможно, кто-то решится не только прочитать, но и попробовать кусочек Британии.
National cuisine in Britain has remarkably changed in recent decades. It is caused by the fact that people come there from all over the world and bring with them their culinary secrets, their new recipes, their food and sauces.

British cuisine has traditionally been limited in its international recognition to the full breakfast, fish and chips, and the Christmas dinner. English light breakfast consists of toasts with marmalade, tea or coffee, plus scrambled eggs with beacon, sausages, porridge or cereals with orange juice and tea.

Next meal is between 12 and 14 o’clock. It’s time for a substantial meal – lunch. At this time they have a cup of tea and some tasty cookies which are sold in on London streets in small kiosks. As a rule lunch consists of sandwiches. That’s why at this time of the day the British go to fast-food restaurants where they have hot-dogs or fish in chips (fish filet in bread crumbles with sauce), and French fries and pickles as a garnish. Between 15.00 and 18.00 they have tea, which is an English tradition. They drink Traditional English tea in offices, at home, in cafe confectioner’s shops, and they always drink it with scones and muffins. Scones are small round biscuits that are usually cut in halves and eaten with butter or cream.

For dinner the British prefer to have something like chicken soup with onion, soup with mutton with vegetables or soup with meat. For a garnish the British have traditional Yorkshire pudding. All Englishmen consider Yorkshire cuisine the best in the country and are really proud of it.

Other famous British dishes include the Sunday roast, steak and kidney pie, shepherd's pie, and bangers and mash. British cuisine has many regional varieties within the broader categories of English, Scottish and Welsh cuisine. Each have developed their own regional or local dishes, many of which are geographically indicated foods such as Cornish pasties, the Yorkshire pudding, Cumberland Sausage and Welsh cakes.

The Sunday roast is a traditional British and Irish main meal that is served on Sundays but can be eaten on any day of the week, consisting of roasted meat, roast potato or mashed potato, with accompaniments such as Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, vegetables and gravy.

The Yorkshire pudding is an English side dish made from batter consisting of eggs, flour, and milk. The dish is always served with beef, but may also be served as a dessert. To make the Yorkshire pudding you need 3 eggs 1,5 cup of milk and the same amount of flour, 3 tablespoons of fresh mixed herbs, salt, pepper and half full cup of melted butter. Preheat the oven to 230 degrees С and place a baking dish in the preheated oven for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, in a mixing bowl, beat the eggs until foamy and light. Whisk in the milk until combined. Add the flour, herbs, a big pinch of salt, and some pepper, beat just until the batter is smooth. Place it all into the oven for 10 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 175 degrees C and continue baking for 15 to 20 minutes until the pudding is puffy and brown.