понедельник, 1 декабря 2014 г.

A good example of an oral topic "Education and Study" for the 9th Form

Темы образование, моя школа, идеальная школа и т.д. очень часто превращаются в скучную констатацию факта. Так, например, ученики не стремятся углубить знания и просто рассказывают о том, сколько уроков у них в день, какие предметы они изучают и кто их любимый учитель. Это допустимо для учащихся 5-6 классов, но не для старшеклассников. Начиная с 8 класса тема Школа и Образование подается уже на более высоком уровне, нежели в младших классах. От ученика требую рассказать какие знания он получает в школе, что главное в его школьной жизни, ценен ли для него опыт, полученный в школе и т.д.
Предлагаю Вам обратить внимание на данную тему, так как она составлена с расчетом лексики 9-10 класса и поможет учащимся не только выучить устойчивые выражения и новый лексический материал, но и может дать им возможность высказаться в отношении своего представления идеальной школы, для чего, конечно же, им нужно будет кое-что подкорректировать.
Желаю удачи!


Mahatma Gandhi said – “Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever”. We start learning something new from the moment we are born. Did you know that in the first 5 years of child`s life, they learn more facts than it takes to graduate from university? As children grow older and life`s pressures start to affect them, they begin to experience stress, a few cope but most get anxious, nervous and frustrated.
As education is the way people gain skills, I can say that this aim can be reached not only through school education, but also through personal experience. Ideal school should include both this aspects. As for me in ideal school pupils are in mixed-ability classes, so more skillful children can help their less able classmates. The number of pupils in the class is perhaps 15-17 students, because in this class it is easy to have open discussions, work in pairs and no one can hide in the crowd. Team work is also very important it helps us to improve our knowledge, get acquainted with thoughts of our classmates and generates activity of the creative side of our brains. Also during this type of study we realize that each person is very important for the group and that knowledge can facilitate our future life.
What for personal experience I would like to say, that in order to overcome all difficulties of a mature life, we should also combine school activities with travelling, reading, participating in advanced courses, which enable to develop our mental abilities through comprehension and challenge.
Ideal school should not just provide us with some academical knowledge, it should give us the feeling of self-awareness, it should show us many perspectives of broadening our horizons, being in tune with the world, it should make us to like the process of learning, because if you do not enjoy studying you will not enjoy anything.

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